Advanced Tree related data structures structures

This section covers some of the more complicated tree related data structures. Below are all of them:

Binary Heap Data Structure

A Binary heap is a data structure used to efficiently find the maximum or minimum element among a collection of elements. If a binary heap is configured to find or retrieve the maximum element among all the elements in the heap, the heap is called as a max-heap. Read More

Prefix Tree (Trie) Data Structure

A trie, also called as prefix search tree, is a data structure used to store a set of words or strings. It can be used to efficiently store a large number of words and quickly find if a particular word/string is present in the trie. Read More

Binary Indexed (Fenwick) Tree

Binary Indexed tree, also called as Fenwick tree is a type of data structure used to efficiently query for range sums on an array of values. Range sums / prefix sums are the totals of all the numbers between a certain start and end points in an array/list. Read More