Basic Operations on a Linked List Data Structrure

Understanding how to perform various operations on linked list structures is important to properly use and handle them. In this section, we will go through core operations performed on linked list data structures. Creation of nodes in the linked list and chaining/linking them together is already covered in the introductory article, so it is skipped in this section.

Below are all the basic operations that can be performed on linked list data structure:

Traverse and Print all values present in a Linked List Data Structure

Linked lists are made up of a sequence of nodes where each node links to the next node, forming a chain-like structure. Traversing or iterating a linked list involves visiting each node in the list in sequence, access the contents of each node, and navigating to the subsequent nodes until reaching the end of the list. Read More

Locating the Tail Node (Last Node) in a Linked List

In a linked list, the tail node is the last node in the sequence of all connected nodes. The tail node’s next pointer is typically set to null indicating that there are no more nodes in the sequence. Read More

Inserting a Node/Value into Linked List

One of the main advantage of using linked list data structure is that the list can be extended easily without re-allocating or moving any of the existing nodes. In this article we will go through different scenarios for extending a linked list by inserting a new node into the list. Read More

Deleting a Node/Element in Linked List

Deleting a node from a linked list involves removing an element from various positions within the list. This process modifies the list structure by adjusting node references to maintain the integrity of the linked list. For all the scenarios discussed in this article, linked list node is represented with the below structure: Read More