Includes common sorting algorithms along with details on how they work, advantages and disadvantages etc.
Below are the list of sorting algorithms published until now:
Introduction to Insertion Sort Algorithm
Have you ever sorted a hand of playing cards? If so, you’ve probably used a method very similar to insertion sort without even realizing it! Insertion sort is one of the simplest and most intuitive sorting algorithms, making it an excellent starting point for learning about sorting algorithms in computer science.
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Introduction to Bubble Sort Algorithm
Have you ever watched bubbles rise to the surface of a drink? The larger bubbles tend to float up faster while smaller ones take their time. Bubble sort is a type of sorting algorithm which works in a similar way.
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Introduction to Selection Sort Algorithm
Have you ever noticed how you naturally sort small items, such as arranging books by height or organizing toys by size? You will probably find the smallest item first, set it aside, then look for the next smallest item, set it aside, and repeat the same process until you pick all the items.
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Introduction to Merge Sort Algorithm
When it comes to sorting a list of items, whether it’s numbers, names, or any other data, we often think of comparing and rearranging elements one by one. But what if there’s a smarter way to do this?
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Quick Sort Algorithm
Quick Sort is an efficient algorithm used to order/sort a list of elements in ascending or descending order. It is a type of divide and conquer algorithm: It partitions the list to be sorted into two portions and recursively sorts each portion.
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Counting Sort Algorithm
Counting sort is an algorithm used to sort (or order) elements present in a list. It counts the number of times each number appears in the input list. The algorithm then iterates through each number from smallest to largest and places them back in the input list.
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